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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Slammed Shut

So many times in my life I've gripped on to things so tightly, desperate to hold on. Whether it was friendships, relationships, a business venture or just things, I held on to some of them for far too long. The door would be shutting and God was saying "no" but I fought with all my might to keep it open or to make it happen. 

Have you ever been there? I can think of so many times being in pain over what I thought I "needed" when God was simply saying "trust me and let it be." If I had only listened and obeyed, I would have avoided so many tears. I remember dating someone and having so much anxiety about it, that I could hardly eat and lost 10 pounds just two months into the relationship. God was telling me no but I was saying yes and a month later I found out he wasn't being loyal. I wanted it so bad that I ignored the Holy Spirits guidance and ended up being hurt badly. Sometimes we allow our flesh to make the decisions to fulfill our needs but it never ends good. Matthew 26:41 says that we must let the spirit lead. It states, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." 
We are all tempted to let our flesh lead everyday! But praying about all things and turning to God to lead the way will be your strength. I for one have always had a bad "picker." I wasn't very good at picking good men. It was then that I realized that I couldn't let myself choose anymore and I had to let God choose for me. And as I've been on this dating journey the last 6 months, I have felt the spirits guidance the whole way. I used to get into a relationship as soon as possible to satisfy my flesh. But now by letting the Holy Spirit lead, the difference is so clear to me between what is God's will and what is not.

I look back now and I am so thankful for closed doors. They were God's protection over my life! Had he let those doors stay open any longer, I may not be sitting here to write this blog. Let God lead. Let him close doors. Stop holding on so tight! You don't have to hold on tight or chase what God has meant for you. The best part is, when you give up control to God, you get to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

As the world gets darker...

This world. It gets scarier. It gets angrier. It gets darker. Days go by and something new hurts my heart daily that I see while scrolling through Facebook, or in listening to the news. People battling it out on social media, someone young dies from cancer, a young girl is bullied, two police get shot and killed while trying to protect others, a little girl dies sleigh riding because she's hit by a car. Why so much pain? I'd like to think I understand....

Jesus says this world is fleeting. It's temporary. Yet so many hold on to it for dear life. We want to hold on to life but God says "this world wasn't meant for forever, and I'll show you that everyday until you understand." You see, I wouldn't know how to go through life if I didn't know my home is with Jesus in heaven. I've heard so many Christians deal with tragic events so gracefully. A friend of mine, 25 years old, grew up without knowing her dad, she had one aunt that died two years ago and the only one she had left was her mom up until 6 months ago when she was taken by cancer. At Christmas she said she'd be spending it with her best friends family. How does one go on with the rest of her life with no family? When asked "how are you still standing?" She replies with a strength "I'm ok because I know Gods got a plan." Do you know what kind of faith that takes? 

I know there is pain in this world and sometimes it's so hard to understand why. It's so hard not to be fearful of tomorrow but that's not what God wants for us. God wants us to trust him. He wants us to be strong in our faith and realize that "you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."(James4:14). Don't hold on to life but to God. Jesus is your only way to everlasting life. 

The girl I told you about is a light for me. I see the strength of the Lord in her. I heard it said "that as this world gets darker, Christians get brighter." I see this truth regularly. We are the salt of the world, the light of the world, and when things get dark let your faith be so strong, that people feel your flame.