Thursday, January 14, 2016

GPS- Gods Planning System

I remember when turning a year older was such a scary thought. I kept keeping myself on these crazy time constraints. Like, "I need to get married by this time and I need to have kids by this time, I need, I need, I need." I remember waking up on my birthday a couple years ago and hysterically crying because I was in a relationship that I knew in my heart wasn't going to last, and that meant I still "needed" to break up with him, meet someone new, AND get married to finally have kids! I was a wreck thinking how long all this would take! Have you ever been there? 

Well, something major changed all that. My faith. As I got into the word, I read all these verses like "Gods timing is perfect." "God is my rock." "Wait on the Lord." "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." "He is doing a new thing in you." These verses were speaking right to my heart.  I began to realize I didn't need to be married by a certain time or need kids at a certain time. What I NEEDED was a firm foundation. A rock. I needed to realize that I was being worked on. And that Gods timing is perfect for my life and that I just wasn't ready for what "I" thought I needed! I would have married the wrong guy had I adhered to all the time tables I created for myself! I wouldn't have been the best mom I could be had I rushed into what "I" thought I needed! 

Instead of being scared of time, now I wake up every day excited for growth. I'm like a little kid again, excited for another year and all it will bring! God has plans for all of us. But you have to let him lead. His timing is perfect. God allowed me to find out who I was before He brought anyone else into the equation permanently. And I'm forever grateful for that. 
When you think you should have something and you still don't- trust in the Lord! He knows your desires and just like a good father, he wants to give them to you! Have faith that God knows best! I heard a saying once that I always remind myself of whenever I start to lose hope. It makes me laugh and puts things back into Gods hands. It says, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!" I love it! 
So moral of the story, have hope and trust in your creator. Let God lead, he's the best navigation system out there!


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