Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Purpose in Your Pain....

     Do you know that everything you’ve gone through has a purpose?  Every fall, every tear, every burn.  It shaped you. It taught you. It blessed you.  Now you may read this and say “how can pain bless me?”  But I ask you, is there any other way? Think about when you were a child and you started walking.  I’m sure when you fell down, it hurt.  But it gave you more perseverance to not fall the next time because you didn’t want to hurt again! Well the same goes with your life today. Your pain teaches you. It teaches you to grow and be strong even when it hurts like heck! 

     I read a quote one time that really zapped me to the core.  It was said by one of the most amazing women in history that had to overcome so much just to live in the world, let alone make history! Her name was Helen Keller. She said “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved!’ You are strong from your past. You see clearer from your experience.  Without all you’ve gone through, your soul would not have been awakened to even stumble across this blog.

     Use your pain today for a purpose. Write down how you’ve fallen and how you plan on getting back up stronger than ever so that that you don’t fall down again. Then most importantly, thank God today for allowing this pain to teach you. You’re a beautiful woman of the most high and you are royalty that belongs to the King of Kings.

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